50. Engaging Anxiety w/Mandy Nelson (Part 1 of 2)

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Episode Notes:

The world is an anxious place and growing more anxious. Why? What is God's provision and path to help us live above the fear, in union with Him, no matter what life looks like?

For this 2-part discussion I invited my friend Mandy Nelson to discuss her life-long journey with anxiety, what she is learning, and how it has led her to becoming a mentor who helps others navigate fear and find the peace God promises us. It's a topic I need to engage personally, wrestling with anxiety myself at times.

About Our Guest - Mandy Nelson is a highly gifted communicator, teacher and mentor who also leads Socratic Scripture Studies and Biblical Dream Interpretation classes where she is Co-Director of Empowering Ranch with her husband Scott Morin. Find out more about Mandy Nelson. To join Mandy and Scott for Empowering Ranch’s Socratic Scripture Studies, email Mandy and mandy@empoweringranch.com.


51. Engaging Anxiety w/Mandy Nelson (Part 2 of 2)


49. Sage - A Man’s Second Passage w/author Chris Bruno (Part 2 of 2)